Fathers and work
Paid work has previously been a barrier to greater involvement in family life. Are fathers still working long hours or working in the evenings or at week-ends? What patterns do modern fathers work?

Briefing paper: Inequalities in parental leave: full report
23 Nov 2017
This report looks at inequalities in access to paid maternity and paternity leave and flexible work
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Briefing paper: Parental Working in Europe: Working Hours
24 Mar 2016
This paper looks at parents' average working hours and long working hours and how this has changed.
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Briefing paper: Parental Working in Europe: Underemployment
24 Mar 2016
This paper investigates the changing proportion of parents across Europe who want to work more hours than they currently do.
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Briefing paper: Parental Working in Europe: Non-standard working hours
24 Mar 2016
This paper looks at the proportion of parents working shift work, evening work, night work and weekend work.
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Briefing paper: Parental Working in Europe: Household Patterns of Work
24 Mar 2016
This paper updates earlier research into working patterns, covering more countries - 17 countries up from 8 - and extending the analysis from 2011 to 2013.
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Briefing paper: Parental Working in Europe: Methodology
24 Mar 2016
A brief summary explaining classifications, definitions, country groupings, data and methods used.
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Other publications
Articles published in peer-reviewed journals.
Journal article
9 July 2016
> Britain's slow movement to a gender egalitarian equilibrium: parents and employment in the UK 2001–13, Work, Employment and Society. https://doi.org/10.1177/0950017016638009.
Who are fathers?
We examine the different definitions of fatherhood and how they relate to biological and social fatherhood.
Fathers and families
Our work exploring how parents are involved in the lives of their children, and whether things are different for fathers and mothers.