Who are fathers?
Family breakdown means that there is a growing number of fathers who don’t live with their children. Who are these non-resident fathers and what is their relationship like with their children?

Briefing paper - Non-resident fathers
20 Nov 2013
A nationally representative profile of non-resident fathers: who they are and the relationships they have with their children.
> Briefing paper (pdf)
> Accompanying tables (pdf)
Briefing paper - Who are today's fathers?
15 Jun 2013
We examine the different definitions of fatherhood and how they relate to biological and social fatherhood. We look at all types of fathers, including those who don’t live with their children and lone fathers.
> Briefing paper (pdf)
> Accompanying tables (pdf)
Other publications
Articles published in peer-reviewed journals.
Journal article
17 November 2015
> Who are non-resident fathers? A British Socio-demographic profile, Journal of Social Policy. doi:10.1017/S0047279415000653
Fathers and work
Our work exploring the patterns of how modern fathers work.
Fathers and families
Our work exploring how parents are involved in the lives of their children, and whether things are different for fathers and mothers.